
Are your data destruction and retention policies industry compliant?

What everyone at the C-Level should know

With the new changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) taking place, there is no longer any excuse for the C-level and legal counsel to avoid updating your internal information and data governance policies.

Download this free 10-page guide to learn:

  • How the revised Rule 37(e) sanctions rule provides a game-changing “green light” to organizations to defensibly automate the deletion / destruction of unneeded legacy and other data

  • How board members and C-Level executive teams can address their fiduciary duties to understand and provide guidance and direction in order to mitigate legal and reputational risk

  • How to create defensible record retention and deletion policies

  • How to identify, ingest, de-duplicate and categorize legacy data into “big buckets” for automated retention / destruction to enable organizations to stop hoarding unneeded data (data remediation) 

Acting today can not only help you save money and streamline your internal processes, but avoid legal and financal reprocussions as well.

Fill out the form to the right for immediate download.


Download the C-Level Guide to Covering Your Information Governance Assets