Making sense of vRealize

vRealize Operations Insight:
- vCenter Operations Management Suite Advanced (vCops Advanced)
- vCenter Log Insight
vRealize Suite Advanced:
- vCloud Automation Center Advanced (vCAC Advanced)
- vCenter Operations Management Suite Advanced (vCops Advanced)
- vCenter Log Insight
- IT Business Management Suite Standard
vRealize Suite Enterprise:
- vCloud Automation Center Enterprise (vCAC Enterprise)
- vCenter Operations Management Suite Enterprise (vCops Enterprise)
- vCenter Log Insight
- IT Business Management Suite Standard
So what does this mean for you?
vRealize Operations Insight
This is likely going to be the starting point for anyone looking at the cloud. Operational insight is always important, but it is doubly so in the cloud, as you are paying for every resource that you consume. vRealize Operations (vCOps) is a great tool for trimming the fat from your VMs so that you’re only paying for what you need.
vRealize Suite Advanced
This is where automation starts coming into the picture with the inclusion of vRealize Automation (vCAC). This will be more helpful to enterprises that are looking to set up some sort of self-service portal for applications or infrastructure, but still maintain control of the entire IT environment. This is what a lot of people will think of when they think a cloud.
vRealize Suite Enterprise
This is the big kahuna, and includes everything you would need to run a cloud plus the kitchen sink. The main advantage this one has over the Advanced feature set is the ability to streamline compliance control and lifecycle management. Expect this in industries that are regulation heavy (Pharmaceuticals, Defense, Education), but still want to gain benefits of the cloud.
About the Author
Michael Chen is a Consultant at Daymark Solutions and specializes in virtualization, as well as backup and data recovery for enterprise companies in Financial Services, Telecomm, and Healthcare. Michael holds various certifications from VMware, EMC, Hitachi, and Symantec